News & Updates

News & Updates

What’s new at AHC? What’s happening in San Antonio? What important changes are happening in the world of mental health?
Scroll down and check back often for more information!

We’re excited to announce that new clinicians are joining our team! Watch this spot for more information, coming SOON!

Friday, December 20, 2024, AHC held its annual End of Year and Holiday Party at our neighbor The Barn Door Restaurant.

We’re looking forward to a great 2025!

Monday November 4, 2024, the development team from TheraNest visited our site to see how we use the ERH system. We shared our workflow with them and they shared several new features with us. We shared a fantastic lunch from a nearby deli and enjoyed a pleasant afternoon exploring further developments.

AHC Therapists, please stay tuned for announcements of dates for rollouts of new features!

Monday, January 22 several AHC providers gathered the nearby La Fonda restaurant to eat together and learn about Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) an effective best-practice psychotherapy modality developed in the 1980s by Francine Shapiro to treat trauma. AHC team member Nicole Bowker, LPC 2024, identified the need for colleagues to share information about our modalities to ensure appropriate referrals and avoid misinformation. To that end, Nicole prepared and presented information on EMDR designed to help therapists and counselors who do not provide EMDR 1) identify clients who would benefit from referral to a therapist who does provide EMDR 2) provide information to clients about EMDR without exacerbating misconceptions that clients may have 3) communicate effectively with a therapist or counselor who is providing EMDR when the client continues with the original providers as well, 4) support family members of clients who are undergoing their own EMDR therapy and 5) decide whether they would like to take the EMDR training as well. Also addressed were how to ensure that an EMDR training is EMDRIA approved, recognizing signs of clients who have been provided a treatment by a person who is not practicing in an EMDRIA-approved manner, conditions that can be effectively treated using EMDR, and utlization of EMDR across the lifespan, including with children.

Future Lunch & Learn topics that may be addressed in the upcoming months include: neurofeedback basics, a visit to ERC Pathlight, tips and tricks for using our EHR, and how to use our local server to most effectively work together collaboratively. AHC looks forward to seeing all of you at the next Lunch & Learns! (Tentative future dates are February 12, April 15, and May 13. March and June dates, as well as the second half of the year, will be announced at a later time.

Beginning in 2024, LPCs and LMFTs may opt in to Medicare! As a multispeciality group mental health practice, Alamo Heights Counseling has always been in Medicare, but until now only our LCSWs have been able to accept Medicare. As soo as this rule changed, we began the application process to add all our LMFTs and LPCs to Medicare, and most of us already have our effective dates assigned. Please be advised, however, we have not yet contracted with all Medicare supplements or Advantage Plans, and we’re not yet sure how long that process will take. Nevertheless, clients desiring to see an LPC or LMFT using a Medicare plan are invited to call and get scheduled. We will need a copy of your red, white, and blue Medicaid card, as well as any and all other cards you may have from other plans. Please help us ensure the best possible outcome by providing all information up front about all forms of coverage you may have. Our LPCs and LMFTs are excited to finally be a part of this federal program. Of course, we also continue to accept Medicaid, private health insurance, EAP programs, and those with no insurance as either private pay or sliding scale clients.

To set up an appointment with any of our providers, call our office and speak to a member of our office staff team at 210-822-2600.

November 1, 2023: Alamo Heights Counseling is offers low-cost counseling with student counselors through partnerships with Our Lady of the Lake University and Lamar University. Members of the public can meet with a student counselor or student marriage and family therapist supervised by one of our experienced clinicians for about the cost of a copayment, even if they do not have insurance. The usual cost for a 45-55 minute appointment with a student counselor is $30, and under special circumstances, this cost could be as low as $5. Current student counselors are Brandi Smith, a Lamar student working towards a masters in Marriage and Family Therapy and Caitlyn Klein, an Abilene Christian University student working toward a masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. Brandi is supervised by Cherie Shulter and is available evenings beginning at 4:30 and weekends. Caitlyn is supervised by Bianca Vincent, LMFT-S, LPC-S and is available during regular business hours.

To set up an appointment for low-cost or no-cost counseling, call the office at 210-822-2600.

For our October therapist luncheon, Cherie presented on the updated Board Rules with special attention to display of license, the requirements regarding working with minor clients, especially those who have legal documents that affect their parents’ rights regarding their care, and the disclosure of confidential information when a counselor has reason to believe an individual may be a danger to self or others.

This presentation will be available again for the evening and weekend counselors during the month of November.

AHC’s next luncheon is scheduled for Monday, November 20, 2023. The topic and presenter will be announced as the date gets closer.

For our August therapist luncheon, AHC welcomed Sean Huckleberry, APRN, PMHNP-BC, LPC (back row, left) of Andala Health. As both an LPC and a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Pracitioner, Sean brings a unique perspective and set of experiences to his practice, and the clinical team of AHC met with him to learn more about what populations he serves, how to make a referral to his practice, and most importantly the benefits of ketamine, KET+, and Spravato–and what client population is most likely to receive the greatest benefits from these treatments. Therapists who attended received credit for one hour of continuing education on “Ketamine: The Basics” and were treated to lunch at La Fonda Alamo Heights.

AHC’s next luncheon is scheduled for Monday, September 25, 2023. The topic for the September luncheon is life insurance for self-employed therapists. No Continuing Education will be awarded for the September luncheon, but lunch will be provided, and lots of helpful information will be provided by our September guest speaker, Nicholas Lewis of The Lewis Group


Alamo Heights Counseling is excited to welcome two new members to our clinical team. Liana Hurley, LMFT, LPC,  begins August 8, 2023 and Christina Mokhtar Hassan, LPC, joins us beginning the week of September 4. Liana will be seeing primarily couples on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, while Christina will be working with children ages 10 and under, with concentration on young children (under 5) Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

Clinical biographies for Liana and Christina will be posted on in the “Our Team – Alamo Heights Counseling” area of our site soon, so please check back often for the most current, up-to-date, information!

New and AHC wait-listed clients may schedule with Liana and Christina in August and September, respectively, as private pay or sliding scale immediately while both counselors are pending credentialing into Alamo Heights Counseling’s many insurance, EAP, and Medicaid panels. Former clients of either counselor who wish to continue with their current counselor to maintain continuity of care are welcome but will need to complete intake paperwork at AHC before or in connection with scheduling their first appointment at our office. Please feel free to contact office at your convenience to schedule with either of these compassionate and experienced counselors.

Liana and Christina, welcome! We are looking forward to having you as our colleagues!


Alamo Heights Counseling congratulates our colleague Elihennette Gonzalez Flores on her new position at the VA. Eli first joined Alamo Heights Counseling in 2019 as a member of the supervised visitation monitors team while she was completing hours towards the transition from LMFT Associate to independently licensed LMFT. Following that transition, she joined our clinical team in October of 2020 and has been a full-time, active member of our therapist team through the end of July 2023.

A veteran herself, Eli recently accepted a full time position with the Veterans Administration, a position she’s expected to begin in August. While we will miss Eli and are sad to see her go, we are happy for her and proud of her as she embarks on her next adventure. We’re also looking forward to the possibility of her return to us part time later in the near or early next year. Congratulations, Eli!

Beginning the end this week, Alamo Heights Counseling has openings on the student counselor schedule, which means that free and reduced services are available once again. The cost for a one-hour counseling session with a student counselor is $30.00–similar to the cost of a copay, except no insurance company hassle! For those who qualify, free services are also available.

Student counselors are supervised by Cherie Shulter, LPC-S, Director of Alamo Heights Counseling. Student counselors are masters degree students nearing completion of an MA, MS, or M.Ed in Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy, or Psychology. They have already completed prior coursework and supervised experience at their university and are preparing for graduation. In some cases, they may have already taken the NCE (National Counselor Examination) or the NCMHCE (National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination).Student counselors have been trained to provide evidence-based services such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Solution Focused Brief Therapy, person-centered psychotherapy, and psychodynamic talk therapy. Call our office at 210-822-2600 for more information or to schedule with a student counselor today!

Free and reduced cost services are available on the schedule below.

Mondays: afternoon or evening
Tuesdays: morning, afternoon, or evening
Thursday: morning or early afternoon (last appointment starts at 1 PM and ends at 2 PM)
Friday: afternoons beginning at 2 PM, evenings
Saturday: morning, afternoon, or evening
Sunday: morning, afternoon, or evening

Would you like to be your own boss without all the overhead of finding an office, choosing an EHR, advertising, credentialing, and billing? Alamo Heights Counseling is looking to add a clinician to add to our growing practice.

The ideal candidate is a fully licensed clinician (LPC, LMFT, LPC or Psychologist) who would like to provide services to clients in our office Monday through Friday during business hours. You set your own schedule (start at 7, 8, 9 or 10; end at 3, 4, or 5; choose your lunch time and set any breaks you want our staff to honor) and we do the rest.

Our in-house credentialer handles all credentialing and contracting with insurance companies, Medicaid, and EAPs (and Medicare when applicable) for you. Our in-house biller/bookkeeper takes care of all your billing needs, so you can focus on what you do best–working directly with your clients. We provide the EHR, insurance verification, scheduling, and accept client copayments or deductibles for you. You complete the client intake assessment, progress notes, treatment plans, and submit a monthly invoice to the biller.

This position is not yet on Indeed but will be posted shortly. Please Please visit our ad and submit your resume through the link. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Alamo Heights Counseling is now a practicum site for Lamar University and will begin hosting students most likely in the fall of 2023. Lamar University offers a 60-hour M.Ed. degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling including 100-contact hour practicums and 600-contact-hour internships. AHC will service as a practicum site for Lamar students, who will be working with self-referred clients including both adults and children. Low-cost and no-cost counseling is available with practicum students at AHC. Lamar is the fifth university to utilize Alamo Heights Counseling as a learning site for their students. We’re excited to welcome our Lamar students to the team next fall!

Beginning summer of 2023, AHC will be a practicum site for students from Forensic and Counseling master’s programs at the University of Houston-Victoria. UHV practicum students may be working to become either an Licensed Professional Counselor or a Licensed Psychological Associate. AHC will service as a treatment/counseling-focused site, and students will complete 150 contact hours, including a minimum of 50 direct client contact hours. The University of Houston-Victoria is the fourth university to utilize Alamo Heights Counseling as a learning site for their students, and Alamo Heights Counseling is proud to welcome University of Houston-Victoria students to the team!

At the AAMH Annual Conference, AHC’s Director, Cherie Shulter was named AAMH Board Member of the Year for her contributions to the 2023 annual conference including successful submission of an application to NBCC allowing AAMH to award CEs to attendees at the training event Reconsolidation of Memory Through the Use of Hypnosis; arranging the volunteer client for the conference; coordinating the schedule of presenters during the event; assisting with set-up; and monitoring the virtual portion of the event. Cherie is grateful for the opportunity to serve the organization, of which she has been a part since her first conference in 2017. AAMH (the American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysts) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to inform and teach qualified mental health professionals the benefits of using hypnoanalysis in their practices. More information on AAMH is available on AAMH’s website, located here: Medical Hypnosis Training for Therapists | AAMH

Beginning May 1, 2023, Alamo Heights Counseling is contracted to provide EAP services to employees of Ancira Enterprises, as well as those who are enrolled in the Gold Select EAP plan through any local employer. Benefits are administered through 90 Degree Benefits. Speak to your employer’s HR department to find out how many sessions are covered under your EAP as each employer plan is different. Once you receive a referral, you may choose any of the providers on the Our Team page to provider your services.

This week counselors from Alamo Heights Counseling enjoyed a luncheon meeting at Formosa Garden. The topic of the meeting was mental health services dogs. We reviewed tasks that dogs can be trained to do, laws and regulations around service dogs, qualities trainers look for in a dog that make it more likely to be a good service dog, and local trainers who are available to train service dogs. The meeting is part of a networking effort to connect with others in the community who are providing valuable services to the same population we serve. (Please note, training of a service dogs is not a service that Alamo Heights Counseling provides, but we may be able to connect clients with local non-profits who may be able help them find the right dog.)

Alamo Heights Counseling is excited to welcome Rhonda Barnard, LPC to the practice. Rhonda brings to AHC years of case management and advocacy experience.

Rhonda is currently in the credentialing process and expects to beging seeing clients April 19, 2023. She will work primarily with children, including those in foster care. Her schedule will include three evenings per week and Saturday mornings and afternoons.

Rhonda’s complete clinical biography is available on the “Our Team” page. To schedule with Rhonda, please call our office at 210-822-2600 and get on her calendar for the month of April.

Alamo Heights Counseling is looking for a clinician to add to our growing practice.

Our in-house credentialer handles all credentialing and contracting with insurance companies for you, and our in-house biller takes care of all your billing needs, so you can focus on what you do best–working directly with your clients.

Positions are currently advertised on Indeed. Please visit our ad and submit your resume through the link. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Alamo Heights Counseling welcomes Charles “Charlie” Jackson, LPC to the practice!

Charlie has immediate availability on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays during regular business hours and hopes to be available additonal days and hours soon. Charlie has extensive experience with military personnel and families. He is currently accepting new adult clients at our location, and serves both indivdiuals and couples.

Charlie’s complete clinical biography is available on the “Our Team” page. If you would like to schedule with Charlie, please call our office at 210-822-2600. We are standing by ready to help!

On December 29, 2022, S. 828/HR 432 was signed into law.

This allows LPCs and LMFTs to be paid for services to individuals covered under Medicare Part B. This is an exciting development for us at AHC and for our clients. Previously, Medicare allowed psychologists and LCSWs, but not LPCs and LMFTs to provide services under Medicare Part B, meaning that while AHC could serve individuals covered by Medicare, only our LCSWs could provide those services. This change in law means that those covered by Medicare can choose among all our providers, just as those who are self-pay or covered by Medicaid or private health insurance company coverage. We believe that choice and autonomy is of the utmost importance, so we plan to enroll all our providers into Medicare as soon as possible.

You can read more about this exciting change in the law at the National Board for Certified Counselors website: Medicare | NBCC or at the websides of the American Counseling Association: Medicare Reimbursement and the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy: Medicare (

Coverage begins January 1, 2024. We at AHC will be working with CMS and with Medicare managed care organizations to join their plans before that date.

Beginning after the holiday break, counselor internship students from Northwestern University’s counselor education program Northwestern University will be joining our team for internship experiences. Internships can last anywhere from a few months to a year, and services provided by internship students are at a reduced rate–as low as a copayment and in some cases at no charge at all.

Call our office at 210-822-2600 for more information or to schedule with an internship student today!